Zheng H*
, Rao AM*
, Dermadi D*
, Toh J*
, Murphy Jones L*
, Donato M*
, Multi-cohort analysis of host immune response identifies conserved protective and detrimental modules associated with severity irrespective of virus (2020) pre-print (*
shared contribution)
Brulois K, Rajaraman A, Szade A, Nordling S, Bogoslowski A, Dermadi D et al.; A molecular map of murine lymph node blood vascular endothelium at single cell resolution (2020) Nat Commun
Xiang M, Grosso RA, Takeda A , Pan J, Bekkhus T, Brulois K, Dermadi D, Nordling S, Vanlandewijck M, Jalkanen S, Ulvmar MH, Butcher EC; A Single-Cell Transcriptional Roadmap of the Mouse and Human Lymph Node Lymphatic Vasculature (2020) Front Cardiovasc Med
Dermadi D Bscheider M, Bjegovic K, Lazarus NH, Szade A, Hadeiba H, Butcher EC; Exploration of Cell Development Pathways through High-Dimensional Single Cell Analysis in Trajectory Space (2020) iScience
Aska E*
, Dermadi D*
, Kauppi L*
; Single-cell exome sequencing reveals mismatch repair dependent mutational dynamics of mouse T cells, (2020) iScience, in press (*
shared correspondence)
Akira Takeda A, Hollmén M, Dermadi D et al.; Single-Cell Survey of Human Lymphatics Unveils Marked Endothelial Cell Heterogeneity and Mechanisms of Homing for Neutrophils (2019) Immunity
Dermadi D et al.; Western diet deregulates bile acid homeostasis, cell proliferation and tumorigenesis in colon (2017) Cancer Res, 77(12):3352-3363.
Dermadi D et al.; Inherited cancer predisposition sensitizes colonic mucosa to address Western diet effects and putative cancer-predisposing changes on mouse proteome (2014) J Nutr Biochem, 25(11), pp. 1196-206
Pussila M*
, Sarantaus L*
, Dermadi D et al.; Cancer-predicting gene expression changes in colonic mucosa of Western diet fed Mlh1 +/- mice. (2013) PLoS One, 8, e76865. (*
shared contribution)
Ollila S, Dermadi D, Jiricny J, Nyström M.; Mechanisms of Pathogenicity in Human MSH2 Missense Mutants. (2008) Hum Mutat 29(11), pp. 1355-1363
Ollila S, Dermadi D, Greenblatt MS, Nyström M. Uncertain pathogenicity of MSH2 variants N127S and G322D challenges their classification. (2008) Int J Cancer 123(3), pp. 720-724
Dermadi D, Biochemical effects of inherited MMR gene mutations and diet on colon cancer risk (2014) University of Helsinki